EDM Wiki

Antonio Giacca takes wing, hovering above the house music crowd across the globe. Once again he’ll soar with a set he’s mentally perfected before it ever touches your ear. You cannot listen and remain the same. The event known as ‘Antonio’ has arrived; he is ready, life as we know it has just been elevated.For Antonio, crafting music isn’t just cranking out club sounds that people dance to on weekends. His music is a lifestyle brand that encompasses rituals, rights of passage, and tearing your soul loose from the ordinary and rocketing it to another level, an ultimate musical high.“I work around the clock, because when I wake up I start composing. My best tracks come from my dreams.” Antonio Giacca, 2011Antonio owns his own label, allowing him to never release a track unless it is absolutely perfect. Not a note will be published that doesn’t have the signature Giacca sound. Antonio’s artistry is designed to transport the listener on a journey they never knew was possible to a place they always thought unreachable.For these reasons and more, the biggest record labels request Antonio Giacca. He collaborates with some of the most influential artists on the scene. Once in a lifetime someone comes along with the passion and creativity of Antonio. We can only be thankful that we’re here now, enjoying a spell-binding ride.



Upcoming/Unreleased Tracks[]
